Tursajaiset 2011

Story: Trent Pancy
September 7, 2011 was a great day for 11IMP, and a great day for the world! Amongst the bright colors, loud noises and well-dressed students lay a group of disheveled, dirty and down-right nasty-looking hobos, otherwise known as the 11IMPs.

After a quick lesson in photoshop with Tuomo, the 11IMPs donned their best "Hobo" outfits and headed to Tampere's Keskustori to begin their day-long journey to Tursajaiset.

The journey began with a brisk walk from Keskustori to the "Secret Location" (which will remain a secret in case it is there again next year), where we engaged in a range of activities from story-telling and body-shaving, to clothing-trades and safe-sex-sing-a-longs. It was a day of victory for the 11IMPs, even if we never found whether or not we won.

Finally, after 4 or 5 hours, we retired back to the streets where we came from - a little bruised, a little battered, and a whole lot more boisterous.

All in all, it was a successful day for the 11IMPs. The sheer fact that it took so long to get a blog post up about it proves how much "Recovery-Time" was needed.

Trent is a student of Degree Programme in Media
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