Performance Art at Finlayson

By Sirkku Niskanen and Hanna Tullila
Photos by Sirkku Niskanen, Hanna Tullila and Elina Ylhäisi

This fall it was possible to explore forms of performance in Fine Arts program’s workshop course. 

Performance was approached by theater professional, as well as from the perspective of an artist. During the course students thought over performance and live installation interfaces.

At the beginning of the course theater dramaturge Jarkko Suhola taught acting methods by different exercises. Students began to design their own performances of personal interest basis. They worked on them ahead of teachers Björn Aho and Minna Suoniemi. Through the process students broke their own boundaries and discovered new means of expression.

The result was an art event [Party]kkeli. Saturday 19/01/2013 students were able to present their works to the public. A spectacular evening consisted of four performances: Red Coat Rack, Mirror Tower, At That Point and Barzilla.

Performing students: Hinni Huttunen, Riikka Enne, Elina Ylhäisi, Niko Sirkiä, Hanna Tullila, Sirkku Niskanen, Laura Mykkänen, Laura Lehtinen, Jemina Lindholm, Tiina Lehikoinen and Tytti Mäkelä.