TAMK library
Kuntokatu 3
A flock of birds is moving east. Ikuinen Gallery has joined the migrating wedge of cranes and takes a common rest at the main campus of TAMK.
Spring Migration is a paper-based installation folded by the Ikuinen Gallery team with some help of art and media students from Finlayson campus. The paper cranes took a flight out from the cosy home nest and landed on new chirping branches. The meaning of the twittering visit is to create visible, easily approachable art outside the limiting gallery walls. With the birds we want to send our greetings from students to students.
Visit our migrating spring birds while they stop at Kuntokatu campus library, during the opening hours.
The Flock behind the installation:
Finlayson students, Anna Pekkala, Anne Järvi, Annette Hanse, Anu Mustonen, Niina Kiiveri
The Spring Migration is one part of Ikuinen Gallery's mission to conquer the World. We want to spread student-made art outside the wall's of Finlayson Campus.
Ikuinen Gallery is a contemporary art project space located in the old factory complex Finlayson in central Tampere. The gallery is run by a board of fine art students in Tampere UAS School of Art and Media as part of their study programme. Ikuinen Gallery’s main focus is in presenting interesting and high quality student work as well as work of other adventurous artists.
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