Ikuinen Galleria
Laura Rytkönen:
Family Act – communal animation project this weekend
Part of art the event Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus - Exploring Art
Destination number 50
Saturday to Sunday April 24-25 2010
Open 11-17
Finlaysoninkuja 3 Tampere
Free coffee!
Family Act exhibits animations and the making of one
In the middle of the gallery space there is a table with five puppets. The puppets animated by a crew realize several small stories of family life. Even the smallest events illustrate the power relationships inside a family. The stories the puppets act are collected from magazines and Internet forums and will be partly improvised.
The animation will be shot inside the gallery while it is open for public. The people who visit the gallery will be appearing and disappearing in the background of the animation. The animation pieces that are ready will be shown in the gallery throughout the weekend.
Come and have coffee inside an animation!
Laura Rytkönen is a second year Fine Art student in Tampere University of Applied Sciences. Emphasis of her work at the moment is on animation, drawing and community art projects.
Pirkanmaan Taidesuunnistus - Exploring Art online (in Finnish)Exploring Art
How artworks are made and what kind of people artists actually are?
Exploring Art is an annual happening which presents the whole range of artists working in Pirkanmaa region. Visual artists, designers and artisans open the doors of their studios for one weekend for visitors to explore art, purchase artwork and to meet the artists. The happening is free for all visitors.
Ikuinen gallery is a contemporary art project space located in the old factory complex Finlayson in central Tampere. The gallery is run by a board of fine art students in Tampere UAS School of Art and Media as part of their study program.
Ikuinen gallery’s main focus is in presenting interesting and high quality student work, whereas work from other art school students and teachers as well as visiting artists are regularly also at show.
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