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IMP Introduction to media class today
Story: Eeva-Kaisa Ahlamo
Spring has finally repelled the long winter, but the studies still continue for the Imps for at least another month. On Monday, we had our lesson in Introduction to Media. Throughout these past couple of months, we’ve had group presentations about different subjects (museums and games, for example) and how they can use interactivity. This time we talked about interactive literature and stories. We discussed different types of interactive stories found in the web, and also something about the future of the plain old-fashioned book. In the world of iPads and Kindles it sure is interesting to see, where the whole industry is heading to!

We also made a small word-play during the presentation, where the students were asked to fill in the descriptive words into a story - without seeing the story until in the end! Here is how it turned out to be. Remember that the filled in words don’t (necessarily) present any opinions about TAMK, our school, Finland or anything in general.

Imps? How _vain_!

Right in the heart of the _small_ city of Tampere, there is an old factory area called Finlayson. Its history is long and _insignificant_, but nowadays it serves as the location for many _enormous_ cafés, companies and also _heavenly_ restaurants.

In the furthest away corner, there is a _shiny_ door that leads to the _pathetic_ realms of TAMK Art and Media. This is a school of _hopelessness_! It offers its _violent_ students many different subjects of study. Let’s take an example. Last year, a new and _deranged_ line was created. It was called “Interactive Media Programme” and shortened to IMP (pretty _perverted_!). These “Imps” (as the _stinky_ students call themselves) are very varied and they all have _imaginary_ skills. They have courses in e.g. _hairy_ web and print design, general media knowledge (everyone agrees this is _irrational_), and some of them have even ventured to the _invisible_ field of programming.

Studying in _beautiful_ Tampere is not always _awesome_. The Media Programme is international, so there are many students from other countries like _controversial_ Greece, China and even _intoxicating_ South Africa. For some foreigners moving to the _never-ending_ country of Finland has been _insecure_, for some others _long_. Like one student once said: “I always thought Finland would be _putrid_, but I never thought it would be _absurd_!”

So, why is TAMK then such a _benign_ place to study? Well, first of all the Finlayson campus is _magnificent_. The teachers are all _ridiculous_ and the students in the other lines always _fast_. Of course it takes some initiative from the students to shine, but those who make the effort have all the keys to success. What can one say? _Strength_ is _mind-blowing_!

Photo: Miska Wilhelmsson