May 8 - 30 2010 Exhibition centre TR1
Väinö Linnan aukio 13, Finlayson, Tampere
Open: Tue-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat-Sun 11am-6pm (Mon closed)
On Fridays free admission!
May 8 - 25 Art Centre Mältinranta
Kuninkaankatu 2, Tampere
Open: Mon-Thu 12am-6pm, Fri-Sun 12am-4pm
While artist
Jeff Koons is in Los Angeles building the most expensive piece of art in the word, the 19 million euro “Train” installation and the British artist
Damien Hirst asks for 75 million euros for a skull created out of diamonds and platinum, 19 young artists graduate from TAMK.
Most of us are poor by Finnish standards: we live on less than 825 euros per month. One of us would live for 7576 years on the price of Hirst’s skull.
A Finnish artist has two ways of reaching similar earnings as Hirst and Koons. The first option is a good marketing strategy, a skillful international gallerist and an eye for the game. The other option is to do lotto. The statistics for astronomical amounts of money are almost as small in both alternatives.
Luckily, we graduates feel art has other value besides being seen as a commodity, a service or a potential investment. When art has become a thing, an expendable commodity, art has already died. Through our Sold Out exhibition, we want to wake up the viewer to think about the market value of art. Are the products of our minds just commodities, or can they give a viewer such capital, which cannot be turned into a product?
Each artist gives in their work a piece of themselves to the viewer. In our final theses works we have sold out all of the resources we have ever had for doing the work. Because we all see art in a different light, the exhibition itself is an adventure in different worlds and feelings.
Despite all this, we will be happy if the pieces are also sold.
Welcome to see our exhibition!
Sold Out is a part of the
Tampere Art Factory event organised in the Finlayson area in May every year. In 2010, TAF consists of an International week 3.5 – 7.5 with its workshops and seminars, TAMK / Fine Art exhibition Sold Out as well as a section displaying the final thesis works of TAMK Media.