UArctic workshop at Oulanka

The first workshop of University of Arctic network was held in the beginning of September in Kuusamo at Oulanka’s research station. Both art students and science students were involved in the workshop as the goal of the week was to cultivate new ways of visualizing science.

After long working days Oulanka National Park's impressive
sceneries gave possibility to relax

The main media of the workshop was photography. During one week small groups of students were introduced to different approaches of using the photography by the teachers (Antti Tenez, Lawrence Hislop, Walter Bergamoiser, Juha Suonpää, Riku Paavola). In the end of the week each group made their own projects and a poster to report their ideas. The posters were on display in the Kuusamo Nature Photo Festival 2012.
In the end of the week all groups hanged their project to Kuusamo
hall as a part of Kuusako Narute Photo Festival

The workshop’s aim was to enrich the cooperation between different universities, also in the international level. Students from the University of Lapland, University of Oulu, Tampere University of Applied Sciences and the Korean Cheng-Ang University participated to the workshop in Oulanka. From Tampere University of Applied Sciences fine art students Talvikki Tenhunen and Elina Ylhäisi participated to the workshop.

Text and photos: Talvikki Tenhunen ja Elina Ylhäisi