Romka-97 by Anastasia Lobkovski now online!

Romka-97 shortfilm 2007 (13 min.) 
With English subtitles

Dinka (Anastasia Teplyakova) and Romka (Dmitry Filimonov) Photographer: Jaakko Slotte

Now everybody can see Romka-97, a film written and directed by Anastasia Lobkovski, graduate (2007) from TAMK School of Art and Media.

Romka-97 is a short film about a 9-year old Romka and his best friend Dinka. The story is placed in Saint Petersburg, Russia and is based on real characters of writer`s childhood.

Romka`s father smuggles animals for living and Romka gets payed for helping in his father businesses. Romka feels he`s not being loved by his father and rebels.

Romka-97 is a story about friendship and first love.

The film is the Bachelor's Thesis of four students in 2007:
Anastasia Lobkovski (Script writer, director)
Jenni Ranta (producer)
Jaakko Slotte (Cinematography)
Antti Hirsiaho (Editor and composer)

The film has been screened on several international film festivals.