Second day of World Summit Award Festival included the most exiting part of the festival - the presentations of the awarded projects - and the first keynote session.
The report is again composed of the Twitter feed generated by the IMPs, the International Media Programme students.
You can find the category winners here:
Waking up, walking to Uni Graz
- Getting ready for #Graz uni and all the talent&innovations @ #YouthAward !
- #YouthAward Soon ready for the pitchings at the Graz university !
- It's the second morning in Graz and #ttvo IMPs are still very much alive! ;) Next up, #YouthAward stuff at the University of Graz!
- Already waiting for the presentations in the University of Graz.. No one here yet.. #youthaward
- not too many signs on how to get to the event #ttvo
- Problems with tweetin via mobile! Damn! Now to Karl-Franzens Uni to watch presentation and make an interview #ttvo #youthaward
- At #youthaward seminar! Though I came here one hour too early. Stupid time difference! :D #TTVO #tamk
- Now at the University, with nice and fast internet. I am happy happy happy! #tamk #ttvo #youthaward
- 11.11.11 a day in the history! #ttvo #YouthAward
- Should little children be kept away from the computers to enhance their imagination, or the other way around? #youthaward #tamk #ttvo
- And let the pitchings start! #ttvo #YouthAward
- This is #Nokia territory, not #Apple territory. Put that phone away! Love being a Finn in Graz #YouthAward ;) #ttvo #tamk
- #youthawrd is @Nokia territory!
- 6 diff. hot chocolates on menu!
- RT dougsymon @hypertr4in@windyafternoon expert guides #graz. Know secret places 2 go & only been here a day!
- Amazing mood @ #YouthAward !
- #youthaward started last evening with an impressive kick off. Program for today seems promising too.
- Midways in #YouthAward, and getting ready to do some serious interviewing today! Thumbs up for #Graz.
Category: Fight Poverty, Hunger and Disease!
- Presentation of winning projects starting in uni of Graz #tamk #ttvo studets present #youthaward
- 500 people in one bad. A great way to grab young people's attention to world's hunger problem #YouthAward
- A key to fight poverty is to draw as much attention as possible and gather people together #ttvo #YouthAward
- Winner teams presenting their projects more in detail at #youthaward #ttvo
- Telling people that the world ends always draws attention. Just make sure you use that attention to do good, like Sara Dias! #youthaward
- Now listening the winning projects #ttvo #youthawards
- 11.11.11 is an important and special day at #youthaward for several different reasons
- First seduce them, then educate them! #youthaward #tamk #ttvo
- Less than an hour in #YouthAward and there's already talk of finance in numbers. Money talks in #fightforpoverty, too.
- New ways to find financing for your project; First seduce them then educate them. #youthaward
- Good platforms are presented for helping people and making it social # Kherna #youthaward #ttvo
- kherna-woman speaks a bit too fast #ttvo
- There are endless opportunities to make good from 2nd presentation sounds as a slogan for whole #youthaward #ttvo #tamk
- #Gamification even in #Kherna! #youthaward #ttvo #tamk
- Kherna or the smartest way to help people in need close to you depending on your own possibilities and interests #ttvo #YouthAward
- Many people are ready to take actions, they just need some education how it should be done.#youthaward
- @heidi_maenpaa seems like there's no escaping gamification in this world...#youthaward #ttvo
- Interesting idea to let the future of the project to the hands of everyone to develop apps #Kherna #youthaward #ttvo
- @heidi_maenpaa everything is a game and we are just all playing around!
- Props to the men engaged in #maternalmortality! Haemorrhage, infections etc. Kill moms! #youthaward
- 1 women out of 11 dies during pregnancy in Afganistan. In Austria - 1 out of 15000 #youthaward #ttvo #tamk
- Very good points made by #maternalmortality. Let's hope as many people as possible hear about this! #youthaward #ttvo
- #youthaward interesting medical knowledge exchange platform. #ttvo
- When you go home, tell them of us and.say, for their tomorrow, we gave our today. #remembranceday #weremember
- Not all is about money and it seems that personal initiatives are more successful than the official government ones #ttvo #YouthAward
- Just the question i was wondering. How to know information is good and comes from professionals? Maternal mortality. #youthaward #ttvo
- #MaternalMortality is open for all new partnerships. Always good to have professionals share their knowledge for common good! #youthaward
Category: Education for All!
- next will be a magic pen that helps your learning. This is interesting #ttvo #youthaward
- @Kammii_r It is the inspiration and motivation that gets results. And inspiring more people to join the cause as well. #YouthAward #TTVO
- A digital pen that helps young people with their learning. Very cool, very effective! #youthaward #ttvo #tamk
- Iko magic pen, where were you when I was at school? #Youthaward #tamk #ttvo
- @Kammii_r but government should not be about money neither. Governments are for their people not to make profits. It went wrong smwhere
- RT @alex_worldwide Iko magic pen, where were you when I was at school? #Youthaward #tamk #ttvo
- Write on paper, click it to search word in google - digital pen seems to be a great invention at #youthaward
- Too bad that iko doesn't work with #Chinese, it might have helped me with my studies! #youthaward #ttvo #tamk
- Iko is so great idea because it uses the digital technology without forgetting the good old paper and pen for kids! #ttvo #YouthAward
- Digital pen didn't react to LG phone #youthaward. Future schools save nature, no more manual paper notes?
- iko, a digital pen #youthaward yay or nay?
- @alex_worldwide i was wondering the same! We were born too early! #ttvo #YouthAward
- “@ainoyy: iko, a digital pen is a big YaY to me!
- I want to have a digital pen now, make notes to paper and open it on computer #youthaward #ttvo
- Official 11.11.11 tweet
- someone strange to me would pay my studies? yes, please. education for all! #youthaward
- Now it's time for #EdGen! Good luck with the presentation, @EileenKnowles and @MilaLukic! #youthaward
- No needy students, simply high potential youth within the #EdGen community! #youthaward
- Merit based scholarship really helps and gives opportinities to the talented and motivated people who truly deserve them #ttvo #YouthAward
- Micro donations to fund scholarships. Good way fellow youth in need #ttvo #youthaward
- Word! RT @dubbajones Micro donations to fund scholarships. Good way fellow youth in need #ttvo #youthaward
- #EdGen is mostly looking at the study program and its possibilities instead of individual students #YouthAward #ttvo #tamk
- I would like to try some sketching with digital pen. It might also solve my problem with always losing my notes #youthaward
- #Youthaward good point about importance of primary education and well-thought answer. Education for all! #ttvo
- @DhTier one challenge is not being able to refer to your notes during note taking. Good tool but for me the future is in our hands. #touch
- 11.11.11 11:11 with date & time systems being man made there's no way this could have any greater significance than in our imagination! ;)
- #Cookies at #YouthAward!
- The break is over and now it is time for some more awesome presentations at #YouthAward! #ttvo #tamk
- Jithin Krishnan telling about Indian education and how to Make a Difference #YouthAward
- Make a difference at Youth Awards! #ttvo #YouthAward
- @heidi_maenpaa which one was your favorite flavor? #cookies #youthaward
- Interesting to see that there actually are so many people trying to bring good education to developing countries #youthaward #ttvo
- The chocolate, of course! RT @ainoyy which one was your favorite flavor? #cookies #youthaward
- Open source strikes back once again! #ttvo #tamk #Youthaward
- use open source! #ttvo
- Solidarity in coding @MakeADifference free code with one condition; it has to be open source. Very much respected! #youthaward
- When a thousand people have the same dream, they really can make a difference. #MakeADifference #YouthAwards
- Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds...
- Open source is the way to go. Share your technical solutions to help others #ttvo #youthaward
- Open source = @MakeADifference = Equilty to All!
Category: Power 2 Women!
- Power 2 Women! #youthaward #ttvo #tamk
- “@heidi_maenpaa: When a thousand people have the same dream, they really can make a difference. #MakeADifference #YouthAwards” nightmares?
- i was just thinking how well everything was going technicwise and then the bluescreen happens #ttvo
- Power for women, justice and equality to all! #YouthAward #ttvo
- seeing all the effort to develop education makes me feel grateful and lucky to have had one:) hopefully evbd realizes! #ttvo #YouthAward
- Power 2 women! Providing women with education, safety and independence develops societies the most #tamk #ttvo #Youthaward
- Does ringing a bell end domestic violence? It might. #bellbajao #YouthAward #ttvo
- Ring The Bell! My favorite presentation so far at #YouthAward
- Does ringing the bell end domestic violence or just intervenie it?what happens after the door closes again? #youthaward
- @Tiatuo it is a good beginning :) #ttvo #YouthAward
- @Tiatuo It might just be ;)
- Wondering why #Steam didn't mail the users that their accounts have been stolen and possibly credit card info too...
- A map is visually good to show how much harrasment there is #youthaward #ttvo
- Raising consciousness is good but does it actually reduce harassment? #harassmap #youthaward
- The Finnish #Eduskunta might need a #Harassmap also... At least when asked from #Iltalehti #Youthaward
- Can harassmap be used to slander certain districts? Can this also increase scares and have negative outcome #youthaward
- Sad sad stories from egypt. Reporting harassment to police and getting harrassed more. Depressing... #youthaward
- Ringing the bell when you hear domestic violence might prevent it from getting worse,every little interference is helpful! #youthaward #ttvo
- When does a bad joke become harassment? Is is based on the culture or the individual? #YouthAward #Harassmap #ttvo #tamk
- Every social class has its douchebags and also heroes... #ttvo #tamk #youthaward
- 80% of women in Egypt experience some form of harassment every year. #Harassmap #youthaward
- People do things that make no sense, so you are bound to also get unfounded harassment reports #harassmap #youthaward
- Harassmap makes the society conscious about women who are being harassed in Egypt.Denial is never an option! #ttvo #youthaward
- @_trashd not every class have heroes :) #ttvo #youthaward
- Culture of silence can be broken with radio! Girls only, guarantee to be heard. #power2women #YouthAward
- A good point that so many projects come from Egypt. There are people interested to make some things better! #youthaward #ttvo
- It's impressive what just a few people with a common interest can do #YouthAward #ttvo
- Girls only radio station has already 5mil subscribers all aroud the world.Giving support by specialists and psychologists #ttvo #youthaward
Category: Create your Culture!
- Carina Schmid telling about the Global Experience project #YouthAward #tamk #ttvo
- Society teaching itself.. everybody is a teacher and everyone is a student.. that is the future of education #ttvo #youthaward
- The Global Experience aims to promote global learning! #youthaward #ttvo #tamk
- If your #music needs to be heard, try out ! #YouthAward #ttvo #tamk
- #GlobalExperience left us with nothing unclear, no questions at all! Admire their work, nice! #youthaward #ttvo
- Play my Jamz for the artists striving to be heard and breaking the predominance of the big radio stations! #ttvo #YouthAward
- Play my jamz seems like a great service for up-coming artists with no popularity yet. #ttvo #youthaward
- Play My Jamz sounds like a great project for artists striving to be heard. Take the power away from big commercial stations #youthaward
- It is good that someone brings up the point that there is always a person behind the artist. #youthaward
- Playmyjamz offers an awsome opportunity to the less priviledged artist to come forward and share their music #youthaward #ttvo
- @DhTier Isn't the Play My Jamz idea pretty much the same we had a year ago?
- Why not make #Playmyjamz only for traditional music? With all the cool cultural styles it would be different #youthaward #ttvo
- @heidi_maenpaa Yeps, MuSu needs to be published soon! :D We will win awards with it lol
- @DhTier And others said it wouldn't work! ;)
- #mashallanews presentation, an important project covering an area neglected by western media #youthaward
- PlayMyJamz, good platforms for sure. Just not convinced about the layout. Looks like a beta-version of early MySpace. #youthaward
- If you are interested about African music, check out @awesometapesfromafrica #youthaward
- #mashallah news www.mashallah.con gives loads of info on Arabic underground, no flying carpets! #YouthAward
- RT @Danetag Don't forget to like the iko project fan page ! #YouthAward
- Bummer. Missed Mashallah news, but got great interview from the founder of Girls only -radio! #ttvo #youthawards
- #passivesmoking at WSYA. Fresh air fail. #YouthAward #TTVO #TAMK
Category: Go Green!
- Agreed.... RT @windyafternoon #passivesmoking at WSYA. Fresh air fail. #YouthAward #TTVO #TAMK
- Sahabat Alam, friends of nature. Inspire kids, save the planet! #YouthAward #TTVO #TAMK
- Adeline Tiffanie Suwana.... She is my new idol! #YouthAward #ttvo #tamk
- iko project fan page! #YouthAward
- RT @haverila iko project fan page! #YouthAward
- “@windyafternoon: #passivesmoking seems to be a routine in Austria :/ #ttvo
- Waiting for lunch at #YouthAward #Graz.
- Awww, baby turtles!!!! <3 #YouthAward #tamk #ttvo
- Friends of nature is presented by only 14 years old T.S.Adeline, impressive! #ttvo #youthaward
- RT @InnoEvent: Presenting: Sahabat Alam #youthaward #GoGreen
- Start young, have more time for excellent innovations! Wish I was a teenage-genius... #YouthAward
- What have u been doing with 14? I admire Adelina Tiffany Suwana from Friends of Nature for her engagement of changing the world! #youthaward
- Adeline Tiffanie Suwana at only 14 y.o managed to do so much already for nature in Indonesia! Q#ttvo #YouthAward
- Amazing impact's been made by young and talented Adeline Tiffanie #youthaward #tamk #ttvo
- Be sure to check out ! Very inspiring work by young people #youthaward #ttvo #tamk
- Sahabat Alam -project by 14 year old Adeline Tiffanie! Making a change in the world at that age, simply impressive #youthaward
- Sahabat alam definitely on a good mission. Eco awareness is much needed. Especially in Asia. #youthaward
- Amazing.. 14-year-old and already has done so much for the nature #youthaward #ttvo
- Especially among kids. RT @vsrantanen Sahabat alam def on a good mission. Eco awareness is much needed. Especially in Asia. #youthaward
- to inspire everyone to take action now #YouthAwards #TAMK #TTVO
- Sometimes technology fails. Aventone presentation works without the video as well! #YouthAward #GoGreen
- Sahabat Alam has won impressive amount of awards for their work and love for nature and environment, #ttvo #youthaward
- Ignacio Cordero talking about sharing car rides with more than just your own ego #YouthAward #tamk #ttvo
- It's not too wise anywhere to post your whereabouts and specific plans to internet. Keep in mind.#ttvo #aventones #youthaward
- #Aventones is a great project and well suited for Mexico, the sheer amount of cars there! #youthaward
- @Kammii_r yes, fresh clean mountain air has been hard to find, even in the hotel lobby or in front of no smoking signs! #TTVO
- When I was fourteen, I was mainly picking my nose, watching simpsons and waiting for my moped. Luckily everyone is not like me. #youthaward
- Lots of grass root activism @ #youthaward. Permanent change starts from the bottom! #TTVO #TAMK
- Shame that #ilumexico didnt make it, would have been an interesting presentation #youthaward
Category: Pursue Truth!
- Final category of the presentations starting:, and #youthaward #tamk #ttvo
- Now it's Write3, my favourite project of the competition :) #ttvo #YouthAward
- Citizen journalism is coming, helping in making a better world. #YouthAward
- Reduce emissions and improce the cities by sharing cars! Interesting project from @aventones #youthaward
- Write3 gives an opportunity to share news from around the world by uploading your mobile's videos/photos to their website #ttvo #youthaward
- #Write3 project is an amazing tool to beat government's attempts to filter information.#Youthaward #ttvo #tamk
- Happy to hear that @Write3 has editors to cencor videos though cencorship is a sticky isssue #youthaward #ttvo
- Heads up for Zabatak! #YouthAward
- is simple in its idea,but has, in my opinion, an enourmous potential.#Youthaward #ttvo
- Let's have an adventure, let's share a car! :) check #ttvo #youthaward
- Don't wait that someone makes everything for you, take some action! #youthaward #ttvo
- @dubbajones arguments please! #ttvo #youthaward
- We no longer wait for the change. We make our own destiny. #Zabatak #Egypt #Revolution #YouthAward #tamk
- Just had a déjà-vu at #youthaward. Two winner teams with the same looking slide (map with red dots). What a coinsidence.
- Zabatak give their best to fight corruption and to make Egypt safe and free from bribery and corruption. #ttvo #youthaward
- Looking forward to interviewing the man behind an interactive crime map! #Zabatak #YouthAward
- People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. Fight corruption @Zabatak #youthaward
- Good point @ #Youthaward. In how many cases governments are actually representing the people?
- Lots of potential In this room. Great project and for sure a hard task for the jury now to select. #youthaward
- The most efficient speech methods: video, engaging the audience and comedy, check. Go viewspaper! #YouthAward
- If average age of the world is 27 why the representatives are always much older? I've been thinking about this for a long time. #youthaward
- I just realized why I am at #youthaward These people have done something big, with not too much skills. Just motivation. Someone to admire.
- How DO you create a voice for millions of people? #TheViewsPaper is trying to do exactly that #YouthAward #ttvo #tamk
- The viewspaper's speech is so funny and engaged! proof that both can fit together! #ttvo #YouthAward
- Pursue truth lays down some tight facts, sharp ideas and punches - verbally ofcourse #pursuetruth #ttvo #Youthaward
- #YouthAward main message: educate/raise awareness to change the world, give voice to people. And young people are amazing #TTVO #TAMK
- Make a strickt difference between news and views. And remember that news are never free from journalists personal views #Youthaward #ttvo
- Interesting presentations, thanks to all the speakers. Now time for lunch! #youthaward
- RT @ovarr Shame that #ilumexico didnt make it, would have been an interesting presentation #youthaward
- Eaten. Was worth waiting for ... RT @haverila Waiting for lunch at #YouthAward #Graz.
- The lunch at University of #Graz was like nothing I have ever eaten before. #ttvo
- RT @Melacai Day one report of #tamk #ttvo media students magnificent trip to outstanding #YouthAward Festival in #Graz:…
- #YouthAward creating a business out of an idea apparently fails 70% of the time.
- Now its time for the 3 speeches of the afternoon! #ttvo #YouthAward
- Lunch was good. Now its time for the 3 presentations of the afternoon. #YouthAward #ttvo
- Army of fanatics! #YouthAward #Apple
- Yaaaay! RT @mariahaere Army of fanatics! #YouthAward #Apple
- Twitter is over capacity. #youthaward #ttvo
Keynote session I
Keynote speakers:
Rickard Damm
Head of Sales, Mobile Cloud Accelerator Ericsson AB, Sweden
Alois Ferscha
Professor and Director of Research Studio Pervasive Computing Application, University of Linz, Austria
Wilfried Rütten
Director, European Journalism Centre, The Netherland- Keynotes at the #youthaward. First up Rickard Damm from Ericsson, who tells us we multitask 40 hours a day doing things. #ttvo
- So, Lo, Mo*. Chemistry of today's global business.*social, local, mobile.#youthaward
- It's mobile-centered world we're gonna live in. #YouthAward #ttvo
- For me we already are :) RT @sannakuisma "It's mobile-centered world we're gonna live in." #YouthAward #ttvo
- A clear and understandable keynote starts the second part of the day #youthaward #ttvo
- Thank you for great chat/interview #ttvo #youthaward next the keynote sessions starting with Rickard Damm
- Forget plan A, go straight to plan B #youthaward #ttvo
- You might as well go to plan B -Randy Komisar #YouthAward #Tamk #ttvo
- Kill your darlings and develop your concepts.. That's how it is #youthaward #ttvo
- Whatever business you start, be ready to fail... a few times. #Youthaward
- The customer is a real PAIN. Then again - no pain, no gain! #YouthAward #tamk #ttvo
- Skip plan A, go straight to plan B - Randy Komisar #ttvo #youthaward
- You need passion for being entrepeneur. We noticed that with @CalQuest #youthaward #ttvo
- If you want to be rich dont be an entrepreneur! and if you are, be ready to fail ! #ttvo #YouthAward
- so @cloudfanatics is a Barca fan? I will not hold it against you, much. Otherwise it has been an inspirational speech #youthaward
- Dont oen a business inless you like to smile!chinese saying #ttvo #YouthAward
- Don't open a shop unless u like to smile-Chinese proverb.You have to be opened and ready for change! #ttvo #youthaward
- You should really be able to listen to your potential customers, and prepare for changes. They WILL happen! #YouthAward #ttvo #tamk
- Looks like CPFC btw - the barca of south london! RT @ovarr so @cloudfanatics is a Barca fan? I will
- Lots of paddling before the big wave. When it comes, be ready to catch it. #ttvo #YouthAward
- Never do a business plan, listen to the markets! #YouthAward #tamk #ttvo
- Entrepreneurship summed up. RT @haverila "Lots of paddling before the big wave. When it comes, be ready to catch it." #ttvo #YouthAward
- Agree.. don't have too tight business/project plan cuz outcome is usually not that clear #ttvo #youthaward
- The success of new technology depends on the content and application of that technology. #ttvo #youthaward
- And idea = the escape of an upcoming thought out of the boredom of an established mind. #YouthAward #ttvo #tamk
- @dougsymon Don't those glasses look a lot like our Gaze Control project, in ten years...? ^-^ #YouthAward #tamk
- The market for a certain product is not always ready. The first tablet was introduced 15 years ago but only broke out last year #youthaward
- Waiting for Oakley to come out with these "computer" sunglasses #youthaward #ttvo
- Computerize any simpliest everyday think and be surprised how much new stuff it's able to do. #youthaward #ttvo
- RT @alex_worldwide Computerize any simpliest everyday thing and be surprised how much new stuff it's able to do. #youthaward #ttvo
- Some lights would be nice, the contrast from the canvas is quite high #youthaward
- #YouthAward why do we actually need keys anymore - why not just use our mobiles? #tamkmedia #ttvo
- A person is introduced with 12,000,000 bits of information per second with only ~17 bits/s gathered into your memory... #youthaward #ttvo
- Because of our smartphones, someone will ALWAYS know where we are. (They are watching us even now!) #YouthAward #ttvo #tamk #scary
- Keys, watch, credit cards and phone should just be crammed into one device... Im talking to you Google! #youthaward #ttvo
- Well, touch devices are still severely inferior in a wide variety of tasks. Maybe an option for some. @dougsymon #ttvo #youthawards
- I present, Google Wallet: @haverila #youthaward #ttvo
- How about chairs telling the lecturer the attention level of the audience? #YouthAward #ttvo
- Ubiquitous technology is the future of all systems and interfaces. Our environment will soon react to us greatly. #ttvo #youthaward #tamk
- Pressure sensors could be used for healthcare tech. Sit right chairs and stand straight shoes. #ttvo #youthaward
- @sannakuisma That might become too depressing for the teachers :D #ttvo #tamk
- I think these guys are planning on building skynet. #ttvo
- Apple RT @haverila Keys, watch, credit cards and phone should just be crammed into one device... Im talking to you Google! #youthaward #ttvo
- No, I don't think we have. I'm one the students from Finland here merely observing. @swisoun
- @lecklin it's just a question of what you need and what you NEED plus software manufacturers doing their job #ttvo #youthawards
- I want to start my car with my phone! @lecklin #ttvo
- @lecklin btw it's best to actually reply to tweets as I'm not sure what you replied to then.
- Newspaper dispensers: "No one wants to go near those things" #YouthAwards #ttvo
- Agreed RT @Cloudfanatics @daniol_ Yes, and the digital native generation think of solutions in ways unimaginable to earlier generations
- With abundance paywalls will be smashed - but they are still being forced with old business models. #ttvo #youthaward #tamk
- The most successful enterprises today are networks and the platforms on which those networks are build. #YouthAward #ttvo
- RT @JSaiCore With abundance paywalls will be smashed - but they are still being forced with old business models. #ttvo #youthaward #tamk
- Threatened voices worth a look? #youthaward #ttvo #tamkmedia
- Threatened Voices want to know about bloggers who have been threatened, censored or arrested #youthaward
- The audience is the actor now. #YouthAward #newmedia #tamk #ttvo
- #YouthAward Keynote Session 1 nearly done, time to see #Graz at night! #tamk #ttvo
![]() |
Schlossberg, Graz. Photo: Heidi Mäenpää |
The evening
- Dinner was great =)
- It's definitely autumn in #graz #austria #leaves #car #fall
- Chocoholic @ Granola company
- #graz at night
- Their Chai Latte was also delicious! RT @Tiatuo Chocoholic @ Granola company
- Write3 release schedule! RT @InnoEvent @dougsymon android version will be avalible in dec. Iphone in january
- #Schloßberg - breathtaking at night (not just because we took the stairs, haha)! Also: a spooky tree! #youthaward
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