Story: Jenni Järvinen, Student at Game Development, TAMK School of Art and Media
Local student clubs and recreation possibilities in Tampere were presented at the 'Welcome to Tampere' fair that was organized at Pakkahuone. As this in English-only event was mainly intended for the international students, it turned out to be interesting for the local students too.
TAMK's own game development club Score was also present at the scene with its colorful and inviting booth, where people could have some tea, chat with the Score people and take a closer look of the games created in the Score's 5D project.
Though the fair was a small-scale event, being there was very profitable for Score. Many people visited Score's booth and were overall surprised that a club like this even existed. People weren't exclusively interested in Score, but also in Finnish game industry and game studies in general. Most of the visitors were delighted of the info they received, and it was fun to read the emails Score received after the event, from people who wished to be more actively involved with Score in the future.
Score 5D