Diary of a Person with Asperger’s Syndrome is a documentary film written, directed and produced by Kristiina Lehto. She made this documentary, because Asperger's syndrome is present in her family. Kristiina wants to help people to understand what Asperger's syndrome is about. Every day person's with AS experience much injustice, because people don't understand their behaviour.
The film has been shown on a number of festivals, and it was one of the "Creators of the Future" films screened by the TV2 Documentary Project last summer.
Kristiina studies film and television at TAMK School of Art and Media.
Synopsis: The document describes how a person with Asperger’s syndrome sees and experiences this world. We learn how a person with Asperger’s syndrome regards living in this society and how difficult it is for them.
You can now enjoy the film online with subtitles in English:
Diary of a Person with Asperger’s Syndrome
Asperger Syndrome (Wikipedia)