Six days to go: Media application time closes Tuesday!

Degree Programme in Media - 20 seats available!

The joint application for degree programmes run in English of Finnish universities of applied sciences  will be closed on Tuesday February 14th 16:15 Finnish time.
TAMK Finlayson Campus. Our main entrance on left hand

Applicants to the Degree Programme in Media of TAMK (Tampere UAS) will complete and send a pre-task in addition to filling in the application form.

The designers of the sixty best pre-tasks are invited to participate in the one day entrance exam April 17 or 18. Twenty applicants will  start the studies  on 16th August 2011.
The Degree Programme in Media, also known as IMP (International/Interactive Media Programme) has students from 23 countries.

The four year studies lead to the Bachelor of Culture and Arts degree.

The Degree Programme in Media, also known as IMP (International/Interactive Media Programme) has students from fourteen countries.

The main focus areas of the programme are visual design and interaction design. The students work with web services, games, animations etc.
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