TAMK at Saint Petersburg Student Film Festival Beginning

From Speakeasy! Heidi Lindén, Hiski Grönstrand, Jane
Kääriäinen, Panu Mikkola. (Photo: Jatta Oksanen)

The ninth Open Saint Petersburg Student Film Festival "Beginning" October 1-6 will show four TAMK film&tv student films. This is a nice achievement: By deadline 668 films from 100 film schools from 50 countries were sent to the festival, and the 60 best will be seen at the festival.

The competition programme for fiction films includes Memory of Tomorrow directed by Pekka Saari. The Chainsaw Poet by Lauri-Matti Parppei competes in the 5-minute fiction films category.

Cine Parallel non competition programme features Speakeasy! musical directed by Juha Kuoppala and Whistle While You Work by Jussi Sandhu and Ville Hakonen.
Last year the Miina Alajärvi film "The Electrician" won three awards at the festival. On Wednesday we will know how successful we will be this year!

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