ManSEDANse Play, Tuesday October 5th, 2pm – 6pm in TR1

Eevi Korhonen and Erik  Svedäng
Story and photo: Emma Kiiski
Lectures about indie games! Interesting, huh? It had Score (TTVO’s own pride, the awesome game club) included, so it couldn’t have been bad. ;-)

At first Score was introduced by Eevi Korhonen. There had been added some spice into it since I heard it last time. She told about Score’s Co-operative and interesting projects the Score members have been working on, for example 5D2.

Some of the TTVO students had created a game called Over Tower for Xbox 360 which sounded pretty incredible. I tried the game as well (there were a few games to try out!) and it was quite amusing, I must admit. The upcoming programming course for IMP students started to sound much more interesting after it was told that the students had created the game for the course.

Erik Svedäng, the creator of the imaginative and unique game called Blueberry Garden gave some interesting perspective in the field of indie game development. (The game won a price for Best Independent Game at the 2009 Independent Game Festival.) He had a pretty decent opinion that games can be good even though you can’t win in the game. He has had emphasis on for example his game’s own ecosystem and its functionality, which sounded fun and fresh.

Svedäng also has created a game for iPad. The idea he had been developing for 10 years until it came out the right way! He had an interesting way to give wisdom sentences during the presentation that he had learned himself by experience. Very useful for game developers!

The last speaker was Petri Purho, the creator of a game called Crayon Physics Deluxe (that won the grand price at the 2008 Independent Game Festival.)  He had quite a funny style to do his presentation: he had coded it and it worked after the audience’s will. He threw a toy at the audience and asked the one who got it to decide, if he should tell about a game that he had made by himself or made by someone else. (Someone lucky made a perfect headshot on me with the toy since it had to be thrown to another one in the audience to pick the next game. :-D) It was a lot of fun!

After this was a discussion panel about indie games.

It was really inspiring to see what some normal guys had created and how they had success in their way. We also got links to several interesting indie game related sites. I really hope something like this will be arranged in the future as well!

Emma is Degree Programme in Media student, one of the IMPs

Read more stories about IMPs
Degree Programme in Media
Indie Games on Wikipedia 

TTVO: TAMK degree programmes in the Seeland building, Finlayson Campus|||