EYA Day 2: Paul Hughes, workshops and winners

The day could not have started better: Paul Hughes drawing his 10 meter key note speech "Ten Meters of Thinking - The Circle of Innovation" on wallpaper.

Here are some of the tweets by our media students during the session :

  • 10 metres of thinking and a new way of thinking. Good drawing even upside down
  • Paul Hughes starts the morning by drawing snakes, talking about unifying forces and quoting Nietzche. Good start!
  • See the World as it is NOT as we are.
  • Great to be inspired by Paul Hughes and his wallpaper rolling again after 5 years
  • Paul Hughes just has a great talk, agreed with every word
  • We need to start changing the way we think. Paul Hughes shows how
  • Paul Hughes taking his jacket off. This must be getting even more serious!

Also excellent and inspiring keynotes by Mark Greenspan (Bringing the World's Next 2 Billion People Online) and Igor Skunca (Social Media: mobilizing user imagination)

The audience, so focused!
World café I and Workshop Session 1
After the keynotes the venue was organised in six tables, each discussing the new innovation landscapes with Richard Adams, Mark Greenspan, Nigel Hickson, Frank Kappe, Igor Skunca, Michael Wildling.

Rick Adams' café was titled "The re-emergence of the artisan through
digital technology and media
"Breaking the old rules: how social media redefines engagement" was the
title of Igor Skunca's café
The first six workshops were hosted by Niki Ernst, Paul Hughes, Kerstin Kollmann, Andreas Rehklau & Bianca Prommer, Brane Semolic

Winner presentations

In the afternoon the heroes of the festival - the European Youth Award winners - where under the loop. The overall winner of EYA was not yet chosen. The winner teams presented their projects in front of the jurors and were interviewed by jury members afterwards.

Catalina Diaz and Ilena Saturay from Our Right, a project to empower girls in
the slums of New Delhi
Shane McMillan from Allversity.org: Lessons for a good life