Christmas Sale!

7th - 8th December
11am - 1.30pm
Mediapolis TAMK-lobby
Tohlopinranta 31, 3270 Tampere
Cash only


Ikuinen gallery is a contemporary art project space located in Tampere. The gallery is run by a board of fine art students in Tampere UAS School of Art and Media as part of their study program. Ikuinen gallery’s main focus is in presenting interesting and high quality student work, whereas work from other art school students and teachers as well as visiting artists are regularly also at show.

Temporarily Ikuinen Gallery does not own any space but is still hosting various Pop Up events and exhibitions.

Ikuinen Gallery
Tampere, Finland

You can also find us on:

Facebook: Ikuinen Galleria

Twitter: IkuinenGalleria

It's time for the Mediapolis Game Jam, where people who like to make games gather together for one hectic weekend.

Each participating small team consists of people with various skills, like programming, level design, visual design, animation or sound design, and the goal is to get a game done within 48 hours, no more no less.

The participants of the Mediapolis Game Jam have a score of virtual technology they can use for their games: a technodolly, a technocrane, a virtual studio, several brands of virtual reality goggles, and as a cherry on the cake, a motion capture studio.

The Mediapolis Game Jam is organized by Finnish Game Jam ry, Technopolis and The Tampere University of Applied Sciences. YLE online is there for the whole weekend, showing the highlights of the jam. New articles and videos will be added to the YLE web pages up until the end of November 2015.

Mediapolis Game Jameilla 20.-22.11. pelintekijät kokoontuvat yhteen suunnittelemaan ja luomaan uusia pelejä jamihengessä. Osallistujat jakautuvat pieniin ryhmiin, jotka koostuvat pelisuunnittelun eri osa-alueiden taitajista. Kunkin ryhmän tavoite on tehdä peli valmiiksi 48 tunnin aikarajan puitteissa.
Mediapoliksen jameissa ryhmät hyödyntävät pelin tekemisessä virtuaaliteknistä elokuva-alan laitteistoa. Mukana on Technodolly, Technocrane, virtuaali- ja motion capture-studiot sekä virtuaalilasit.
Tapahtuman Ylen kanssa yhdessä järjestävät Finnish Game Jam ry, Technopolis ja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu.
Ylen verkkotoimitus seuraa hektistä tapahtumaa paikan päällä koko viikonlopun ja taltioi jamien kohokohdat. Sivustolle päivitetään uusia artikkeleita ja videoita aina marraskuun loppuun saakka.